
Monday, March 27, 2023

Design Wall Monday - kitting up quilts

Saturday was a fun day, with no sewing but plenty of other fun.  Our 5 grandkids had a busy winter with 3 playing basketball, one wrestling, and one on a swim team.  On Saturday the last 2 basketball games were played, and we were actually able to be there.  Between games we did a little shopping and grabbed a burger at Red Robin with them. And we could finally give Sophia her birthday present since we had Covid when she actually celebrated her 11th birthday a couple of weeks ago.  

No sewing happened on Saturday but I did get back into the sewing room on Sunday for a little while at least.

Creating a kit for future projects is something that I do fairly often, especially with pillowcases and with planned (non-scrappy) quilts.  The kits help me NOT use the fabric for something else by mistake.  And the patterns get tucked in with them - also so as not to separate the pattern from the fabric.  This lime green and orange frog quilt is one that had been kitted up last fall, and I sewed the top easily in 1 day this winter. 

This particular pattern is called Quick Strippee, and is a free pattern from Mary Quilts.  It's fast and easy, and uses 3 yards of fabric - 1 yard each of 3 fabrics.  It's terrific for showcasing some of those fun novelty prints available.  I've made 8 or 9 of these over the years, or maybe more.  I've given quite a few as baby gifts.

I had decided my PIGS (Projects in Grocery Sacks) of choice for the month of April would be 2 or more Quick Strippee tops.  The fabrics I had set aside for these no longer fit into the project box; therefore it's time to sew these.  So on Sunday afternoon I cut and kitted up 2 new ones.  This one has dogs in the bigger novelty print along with dog paw prints, and a nearly solid for the narrow strips.

The second one kitted up on Sunday has a dinosaur theme.  I love the colors in this one.  It might just be the first one of the kits that gets sewn up in April.

That makes 3 complete kits, ready to sew.  The minty green with blue one was kitted up a month or so ago.  The fabric with the horses was called Giddy-Up I think.  I bought it in Kansas over Labor Day weekend while there for a family reunion.  Usually I cut the bindings from the same fabric as the narrow strips, but this time I cut the stripe for binding.

While cutting the strips for the quilt tops, I also cut the binding strips so I know they are all together in the project box.  The binding for the frog quilt is there too.

The project box has a few other fabric purchases waiting to become Quick Strippee quilts sometime in the future.  I think that whale fabric is going to be really fun.  

What's on your design wall today?


  1. You found the cutest fabric for these strippee quilts. You just have to whip up the dino one first!!

  2. that frog fabric is so cute. Good idea on the binding - I have a large basket I keep my quilts to be quilted in and put the binding fabric with it unless the binding is to be scrappy rainbow

  3. I love those strippee quilts. I've made one or two myself although I generally decide on the strip size based on the available fabric. I might need to do some hunting around for cute main fabrics in my stash. I realize I have a very cute stripe in my stash -- I wonder if there is a "conversation" print in the stash? Thanks for reminding me of this great pattern. I'm looking forward to seeing your other ones when finished.

  4. Those are great little quilt kits, and I love that they can be sewn up so quickly! Fun novelty fabrics you're using to inspire the color choices, too!

  5. Fun fabrics! The frog and the dinosaur are my favorites. I’m glad you’ve been able to support your Grands at their activities and games this winter: it’s important for kids to see they’re family in the stands.

  6. The strippee quilts are such a great way to showcase fun novelty prints! Good for you to get organized by making kits -- all the design dilemmas are resolved before the sewing even begins.

  7. The fun fabrics you chose will make these special!


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