
Monday, March 13, 2023

Design Wall Monday - March 13

 Happy birthday to our oldest granddaughter, Sophia.  

She turns 11 today.  On Saturday she celebrated with friends and a cousin at a kid-friendly escape room, which evidently was a lot of fun.

Since I'm still isolating due to having Covid, there has been extra time to sew.  Sunday I had most of the day to myself, since my husband - in spite of having Covid himself - drove 200 miles to meet a coworker and hand over a bunch of work items the coworker was going to need this week. Originally he was supposed to be in Minneapolis with this coworker for a conference. But since he can't really attend while having Covid, he is just meeting him (outside) to pass along the equipment.

One project that I'm focusing on this week is the Framed 9-patch.  I have rows 1-3 all assembled, and rows 4-6 are "webbed".  Webbing is a good way to keep things in the correct position, but I decided that 3 rows at a time was all I could handle with the space I have on my sewing table. 

Another Rainbow Connection block took shape, this time using lighter green scraps.  This makes 19 of these blocks so far.  They finish at 11". 

And I managed to add 3 more Irish Chain blocks to the pile, with some green in each one.  There are plenty of these now to add another row or two to the quilt that's in progress.

While I had lots of green scraps out, I've cut the pieces for 2 pyramid blocks, and 2 small heart blocks that will most likely happen sometime today.  

And I worked on more Sewcialites 2 blocks, in the 6" and 3" sizes.  

What's on your design wall today?


  1. Your framed 9 patch is going to be beautiful!

  2. Cute birthday cake for a preteen. I don’t web anything over three rows at a time. Any more than that, and I waste time keeping things from flipping.

  3. Happy Birthday to Sophia. (My oldest grandchild is also a Sophia but a few years older.) I like your framed 9 patch also. Do you generally use the same background fabric or mix and match? This looks like a great scrap project. I have tried and failed at webbing. I just poke along taking a couple of blocks or rows off the wall at a time. You are making great progress on your green blocks. I'm still ignoring the pinks for the most part. I've got lots of greens I can be working with too.

  4. Love the olive-y greens! How much longer do you have to self-isolate?

  5. Happy Birthday to your Sophia! Nice projects you are working on!

  6. Happy Birthday to Sophia! Looks like she had fun! Love your framed 9-patch, and the green blocks too!

  7. So sorry you guys caught Covid, but glad it is mild. When DH had it in January he didn't feel like doing anything. Framed 9P is coming along nicely. Happy Birthday to your GD! Our oldest GS turns 12 next month.


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