
Sunday, March 12, 2023

Organized chaos

 On Friday morning, Bonnie Hunter had a post about organizing.  She showed her well organized cabinets holding yardage, but also said she has bins and stacks of projects everywhere in her studio space.  I copied Bonnie's quote below because it obviously describes my sewing space perfectly:

In my world "Cleanliness is where creativity goes to die!"

Oh man - that is so ME!!!  I try to be organized, and have some small success.  

The stacking units hold individual project boxes that I've labeled and it is one definite success. Two of the units are stacked, but the third one ends up being moved around to various spots in my sewing room.  Unfortunately there are more project boxes that don't fit into these units. 

There is a huge long closet (without doors) in my sewing room.  It holds more plastic drawer units where my stash is mostly sorted by color or theme.  Block sets hang by skirt hangers with the instructions clipped with them.  Quilt tops are folded and hung over sturdy hangers in the other end of that closet too, just waiting to be quilted.  A couple of those color drawers are currently overflowing and won't close - which means they need some attention. 

The upper shelf in the closet holds leftover batting scraps with notes pinned on indicating the size of the piece so I don't have to search too long.  That's kind of organized, right?

However - what no one but me can see - is more of these plastic drawer units on the other side of the room.  And baskets sitting on every surface holding "stuff" ranging from Works In Progress to random fabric stacks.  And project boxes sitting on the end of the ironing board or floor.  It's a messy hotbed of creativity right now - with an emphasis on "messy".  And I do feel that when it get TOO messy, that kills my creativity too.   

But the other quote I copied from her post is this one . . . and it's much more important.

No guilt.


  1. Sewing room organization is important, to a point. I'd so much rather sew!

  2. better get busy you have a lot to finish :)

  3. Sometimes I am so hard on myself because of the big stash and all the UFO's etc. But other times I am happy as a clam because of that big stash when I can just pick out the perfect fabrics to coordinate to make a project. I think lots of us are in that same boat and wish to have a larger room with more storage to have everything nice and neat. I like your tower of project boxes!

  4. We have to do with what works best for us. All my fabric is stored in a large buffet. The sun (sunlight) here is very bright and even if it doesn't shine through the windows, fabrics get faded, especially on the fold. I'm quite organized when it comes to scraps, I have boxes with cut squares in sizes from 2 to 5 inches. Threads are also stored in plastic containers. After I joined RSC, I've been 'forced' to sort fabric on colors! lol

  5. I'm like you... once things get too messy, it vexes my creative spirit. One good thing about having a much smaller sewing space in this house is can only get so cluttered and messy. It is forcing me to be more organized. I look at your room and see all of the future beautiful quilts that will come from that!

  6. I understand about clutter impeding creativity. Like you I strive to put things away when I've moved to another stage. Of course, there is a difference between tidying and cleaning!

  7. It try not to have guilt...most times I just have to clean up my craftiness mess;)


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