
Saturday, March 11, 2023

RSC23 - Week #9, digging into green

What is happening this week in the RSC world? 

In my world we both tested positive for Covid yesterday afternoon, which is a bummer. The good news is neither of us feel very sick, and have mild symptoms.  The bad news is we possibly exposed a lot of extended family members.  We're assuming we were exposed at the basketball tournament.

In the meantime, I worked on catching up with the weekly blocks I had missed while being gone, and it was certainly time to pull out those green scraps.  I began with the green 9" Sewcialites 2 blocks.

First up was Block #18 called Innovate. This was a quick and easy block and is another that would be good for future scrappy sewing in any color.  Hmmm - I sense a squirrel trying to distract me.

Next up was Christmas Star (#16).  This one wasn't difficult, but definitely was time consuming.  It turned out really nicely, but I'm dreading this one in the smaller sizes.  Mostly that dread is because there are so many pieces in this block.

Finally, to bring me completely up-to-date on the 9" Sewcialites 2 blocks, we have Invigorate by Joanna Figueroa.  This is another one that would make really great scrap busting blocks.  Another possible distraction?  Probably . . . but first I need to work on all the 6" blocks for Sewcialites because I'm behind with them too.  And the 3" blocks too!

A few other random green blocks have also been added to the collections.  A green Rainbow Connection block brings the total to 18.  The Small Hearts, Irish Chain, and Scrapbuster blocks were also made. I'm not all that thrilled with colors I used in the bottom right block.  It's very dull looking, and the other blocks in the collection are quite bright and cheery.

 And since I won't be able to go to Saturday Sampler or Sew Vintage today, I'll just keep sewing up a storm.  


  1. pretty blocks - yes Covid is still around and family gatherings are made for it aren't they - it is possible that someone sitting near by you passed it on to you and others in your family - who knows who got it first another remember of your family might have passed it to you- just glad to hear you are not very sick with it.

  2. I love the Christmas Star block! I agree, it will be quite challenging in a 3-inch size. Hope you're feeling much better (and less contagious!) soon.

  3. Oh Sara, I’m so sorry to hear that you and DH have Covid. But it’s good to hear that it’s mild for you. Those Sewcialites blocks are all so adorable. Rich fodder for potential RSC blocks. Take care of yourselves and have a good week!

  4. Oh no on the Covid - that is no fun! Glad it is a mild case, though. At least you can still sew. Those are some pretty Sewcialites blocks!

  5. Glad to hear your COVID symptoms are mild. Get the rest your body needs and keep hydrated.

  6. Hope you don't get too sick with Covid. So sorry you got it:(

  7. Sorry for the bout of Covid that came home with you. Hopefully you've stayed reasonably symptom free and have had the chance to stitch up a storm.

  8. Pretty blocks, a few quilts back it seemed half my blocks looked country & others looked too fancy but they all magically blended in at the end,so don't ditch the ones you don't like right off,hang in there,they'll blend as you begin to add more colors

  9. Oh, no, Sara!! Sorry to hear that you and Mr have Covid. SEW glad that it seems to be a mild case and you've been able to get busy with your GREEN scrap!!


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