
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

A little misc. fun sewing

The 3D pinwheels (squirrel) are still distracting me.  Pink ones joined the purple ones.  There are 4 of each, with the colors reversed in half.

Again I pulled out some fat quarters for these.  The pink ones made me think of bubblegum or cotton cancy.  Or maybe Pepto Bismol.  LOL

Then some lime green ones happened too, although none of my pictures captured the color well.  That lighter green print is lime and white.  But the greens either came out like sage or had too much yellow.  And speaking of yellow . . . 

In between the pinwheels and the "secret project" sewing, a couple of other things have come about as well. 

There was a Quilt of Valor pillowcase kit in the QOV box, so it was a quick finish.  We need some pillowcases again for upcoming presentations, so I'm planning to kit up a couple more from some of the fabric in our donation box. 

And as a Leader/Ender project I've been working on this.  

My first attempt had just random colors everywhere, but with these 2 hexies I kept those colored 1 inch strips the same color each round.  There is currently no plan for these but they do make a good Leader/Ender project as I'm working on more important things. 


  1. Those pinwheel blocks are really cute. I like the cotton candy theme for those pink ones. Hope you get in lots of stitching time today. You've got some fun projects in the works.

  2. That pinwheel squirrel really has his claws hooked in you! They are all so fun:) And those pineapple hexie's are just so springy looking!

  3. What cute pinkwheels!!!
    that scrappy hexie? leader ender is going to be amazing!

  4. Great projects! I love those red, white, blue Twinkle Star blocks.

  5. Those pinwheels are so pretty! I also like your leaders and enders:)


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