
Friday, April 28, 2023

It's Friday, right?

This has been one of those weeks where I lost track of what day it actually is.  Yesterday I didn't even post anything, but I did spend lots of time sewing.  My husband was playing golf with his usual Wednesday group so I had peace and quiet.

One small project was to sew the daisy buttons onto this little May Basket.  This tiny little container was made using 2 leftover layer cake squares.  It looks pretty wonky in my photo, but is actually nicely square.  Once it's filled with some treats it will be ready for a May Basket exchange coming up.

The secret project I've been working on has been delivered to the next person.  One friend made the blocks, I sashed them and assembled the quilt top, and the next friend will quilt it.  This will be a really fun surprise once it's done. 

Some retail therapy happened on Thursday too.  I've been making a list this week of supplies needed to finish a bunch of small projects that really need to be finished, and background needed for a couple of Works In Progress (WIPs).  I picked up InsulBright for some hotpads.  Light green yardage to finish a pillowcase, and rich cream for the background of the green/cream Sewcialites quilt to go with the darker green already chosen for the accents.  More on that another day.

Today's projects include kitting up these pillowcases, working on some BIG half-square triangles for the Sewcialites quilt, and finishing up some RSC blocks I've been working on. 


  1. That's the one thing about retirement, it's hard to keep with what day of the week it is. Your May basket is really cute. Happy stitching this weekend. Looks like you've got lots to keep you in the sewing room.

  2. Lucky person that receives your may basket. Good to get those supplies on hand so when you are in the mood to finish those projects you can get right to it.


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