
Monday, April 3, 2023

Design Wall Monday - April 3

 What's on your design wall today?

My design wall has just a little bit of purple on it for this new Rainbow Scrap Challenge month's color.  I started with a Rainbow Connection block all made from purple strips from the scrap bin.  There are now 20 of these blocks.  And after digging around in that bin I realized that keeping all the shades of blue and purple scraps in the same bin isn't the best plan, because I kept pulling out strips - only to see that it was blue instead of purple. 

More scrappy sewing happened - 2 more Irish Chain blocks.  It appears that I now have enough of these for a decent size quilt.  Not a full bed size, but still a good size. 

Once those blocks were finished, I pulled out the 3 pillowcase kits from last week.  The first one - with tropical fish - is finished.  And a second one is halfway done.  These will be my priority for this week, before tackling any other major things.

Am I procrastinating again about working on that Humble Homes applique?  Yes, probably that is true.  I played with one other small scrappy project on Sunday to avoid the applique.  More on both of those projects another day.  

Happy Monday!  This will definitely be a grocery shopping morning to stock up before the next winter storm hits us this week.  Guess I'll be snowed again by mid-week, which means plenty of sewing time.   


  1. I like that purple stripe - that is a good way to use up some of those scraps. I guess when you get snow is when we get the rain I know we have more expected late Tuesday.

  2. Yes just last night I saw another big system is brewing and covering a lot of area again. I think it goes north of us as we see rain rain rain for the next week or so starting tomorrow. Love the purples, will be fun to see how your other purple blocks look.

  3. Those Irish Chain blocks are really cool. Looking forward to seeing that quilt come together. The fishy pillow case is really cute. Good luck with your stitching plans for the week. Stay safe, I think I heard there would be blizzard conditions where you are. Definitely, stay in and stitch!

  4. Bring on the purple! I have blue-purples and red-purples and gray-purples all in the same bin.

  5. Pretty blocks. I won’t be surprised if the storm skirts around Laramie this week. Not much snow has fallen here this winter. Have fun sewing if you get snowed in.

  6. Yes sew your way through the blizzard! Stay warm and safe!


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