
Saturday, April 1, 2023

RSC Week #13

 I'm excited for a new color for April (purple), even though I'm certainly not completely done with green yet. The UFO project I'm working on right now has a LOT of green, as do some of this week's sew-along blocks. 

The 9" versions of the Sewcialites 2 blocks are all being made with various shades of green and cream, and I really like how block #22 turned out. This is Ohio Twist by Jessica Dayson.  The little 3" red and white version would have looked better with a smaller print in that center square. But it is staying the way it is - for now anyway.

The 6" version has a little green in it, but the other 3" block has no green whatsoever.  

The 20" sofa pillow has a new spring cover - and look, there is a little green here too.  

What excitement can be found in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge world today?


  1. The pillow is lovely! Happy stitching!

  2. The Sewcialites block is pretty in every color combination! And love your new pillow cover, too. That's a pretty spring flower block design!

  3. GREEN blocks and a pillow cover, too? Nice work, Sara! I really need to remember the pillow cover idea for a future project, as we have a couple of pillows on our couch that I don't like very much, but I'm too cheap to go buy new ones. A scrappy quilted cover would be the perfect solution!

  4. The Ohio Twist block looks great in green and cream. Love the idea of swapping out pillow covers to rejuvenate a room. This season's cover is particularly happy.

  5. April will be a fun purple month. I really like your all green block today. How much snow did you get? We only got 4".

  6. Love your pillow cover, so pretty. Beautiful blocks too.

  7. Very pretty blocks! I'm looking forward to seeing your purple blocks. Happy stitching this week.

  8. Very pretty blocks!!!!! and your pillow - so springy!!!


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