
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Meeting some goals

All of the Twinkle Star blocks for the Quilt of Valor are now sewn into rows, so the next step will be to turn those separate rows into a finished top.  No pictures yet but I'm feeling optimistic that there will be something worth sharing by the end of the week.

When I got tired of sewing red/white/blue it was time to finish up those pillowcases that have been plaguing me for a week now. 

Done!  Pink and green with frogs, and a couple of brown dog pillowcases.  The dog fabric and the brown were donated yardage that I received over a year ago.  That is how long the kit has been waiting for attention.  All 3 of these pillowcases were added to my donation basket.

The plan for the watermelon runner is coming together, and the parts are all cut.  I'm even thinking I might get 2 runners out of this kit, because I chose a smaller pattern.  I'll work on this little project in between those long seams for the Quilt of Valor.


  1. Fun fabrics! The watermelons make me smile.

  2. Whoever gets those pillowcases are going to love them as they are all so sweet!

  3. The stylized watermelon print (the upper one) caught my eye. Good for you to get those projects completed!

  4. That watermelon fabric is really cute!


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