
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

To Do Tuesday

The first thing on my To Do list for today might be a long nap. Insomnia is the pits!   

To stay awake I’ll need to focus on getting some things done around here.  This year's Saturday Sampler program is a fun mix of pieced and applique blocks, and also a mix of different sizes of blocks.  

It's called Spooling Around the Block.  Since January we've done 4 blocks - 2 pieced, and 2 applique.  This Saturday we'll see what #5 will be.  Anticipation is building. 

Block #4 is the pincushion and iron applique block that will go into that upper right corner.  The yellow measuring tape section is only pinned on right now, because it will need to meet up with the rest of the measuring tape coming from the dress form block below it.  I haven't trimmed Block #4 down to its correct size yet either.

The first 4 blocks together (but not correct locations) are really beginning to look good.  

This block was my #1 priority to get done this week because Saturday is coming up quickly, and we need to have the month's block finished in order to not pay extra for the next one. 

My #2 priority this week is to finish assembling the top of the Twinkle Star Quilt of Valor.  Trying to lean over a chair to take a photo didn't work the best.  But - those top 2 rows are all assembled.  I've overlapped them a bit on the floor just to make room for the other blocks laid out.  The side sashings are all on, and the sashing between rows are ready too.  So today's main task is to assemble the bottom 2 rows, and maybe even get the 2 halves merged.  This would be the 2nd QOV top for this month. 

The #3 priority will be to make those 3 pillowcases that have been pinned and ready to sew, but still taking up space on the end of my ironing board.  No more procrastinating on them allowed!

As for a 4th priority for the week, I really want to get a couple more RSC blocks done in orange.  And maybe I'll get my PIG for May figured out.  It's a watermelon themed table runner but I haven't made a final decision yet on the pattern to use. Too many great pattern choices!

 There is a list of 5 projects written on a sticky note on my desk, and all of them are things I want to have done in May.  So far 2 of the 5 are checked off.  And guess what?  The Quilt of Valor tops were not on the list. 


  1. sounds like you have a full week planned out - enjoy!

  2. This Spooling Around the Block is fun, and pretty! I love the floral background too. Have a great sewing week.

  3. I feel that your twinkle QOV is your prettiest one yet. Love that block!
    With best regards,
    Sharon M

  4. How cute is spooling around the block!!
    and your QOV is really pretty!
    Hope you get some energy to keep on moving!

  5. Lots of activity and progress happening in your sewing room! Everything looks great.

  6. I love afternoon naps! The new sampler is a cute one.

  7. The Twinkle Star QOV quilt is gorgeous! I have wanted to use that pattern and may just do one in R,W&B for a Veterans quilt. Beautiful!


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