
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Cleaning & sewing

 Most of Tuesday was productively spent in my sewing room.  It needed cleaning, and I feel like I managed to get quite a bit of that done.

I would focus on cleaning/organizing an area for 20 minutes and then I would sew for 20-30 minutes. 

Then I would go back to cleaning - repeating that over and over again for most of the day.  Surprisingly I managed to make progress in both areas - cleaning and sewing.  Ten new Boxed Squares have been added to the box for that project.  Most had light blue or light green centers, although I did use pink in a couple of them. There are more of these cut out in the project box. And all of the black and white yardage has been organized and refolded. 

While organizing some of the Quilt of Valor scraps, I was able to cut parts for 8 more of the Rail Fence blocks.  And by the end of the afternoon they were sewn.  The stack contains 45 now.

There were several other block sets that saw progress in between the cleaning, but I'll save some of that to share another day:

** batik Floating Stars (RSC)
** baby print Churn Dash (12")
** string blocks


  1. I have been taking a little bit of a break from the sewing machine this past couple weeks and had to push myself to finish one top started and there you are cleaning and sewing!

  2. It looks like that routine worked well for you!


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