
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

To Do Tuesday

I played cards yesterday afternoon with some friends, so the projects I planned to work on at home didn't happen.  We hadn't gotten together for almost 2 weeks due to graduations and some travels. So it was so good to catch up with them, while playing Hand & Foot. 

Three more stuffed "critters" have been paired with doll quilts for a donation project I'm working on. Last Friday my granddaughter helped me find some very cute little animals - at the right price.  They had to stay in that $5 range. However, Sophia talked me into that cow - which is a little bigger and was $7.  She reminded me that one of the doll quilts was bigger than the others so the cow was perfect. And it was too cute to pass up. She was right of course!  The bee is so funny!  There are 3 more stuffed animals as well, just waiting for 3 more doll quilts to be finished.  

Yesterday when I came home from playing cards there was a delightful little squishy package sitting on the kitchen table, and addressed to ME. Don't you just love when there are surprises in the mail?  One of the bloggers I follow regularly Sew Preeti Quilts had drawn my name to win a little collection of batik charm squares from the new Wild Blooms line.  She also tucked in some strips with the charms, and a few other fabric goodies.  Wow!!!   Thank you thank you Preeti - I love everything!!  She is an Island Batik Ambassador, and shares such fun and beautiful projects with the Island Batik fabrics on her blog, and much more.  And I love batiks - I love the depth of color, and love to sew on them because they don't fray or stretch like some fabrics.   

Well - my To Do list is LOOOONG today, and goes way beyond sewing.  But cleaning up my sewing room before leaving on our trip is high on that list.  Best get one more cup of coffee and get to work. 


  1. Your Granddaughter was a good advisor. Those are really cute and will be well loved. Hope you get to everything on your to do list this week.

  2. I’m partial to the bee - so cute! Best of luck tidying your sewing room. I tend to get distracted by squirrels whenever I try.

  3. What fun to have your Grand help pick out stuffed animals...I like the cow also! We play Hand and Foot all winter with the kids...we really enjoy that game...Andy usually wins!


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