
Monday, June 5, 2023

Design Wall Monday - June 5

 Hmmm - it's June already, and I just want time to slow down. So, what's on the design wall today? 

The Bees runner is sandwiched, and will be my main project today. I've changed my mind so many times about how I wanted to quilt this, but it's time to just make a decision and go with it.  As I write this that decision hasn't been solidified yet. LOL  

Country Bunnies came back from the quilter on Friday, and the binding was attached on Sunday afternoon.  I'm halfway around with the hand stitching.  This UFO will be another good one to check off my lists and have finished.  It was a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project, and I think it will be a donation quilt as it's a good size for a child - and it's covered with bunnies.

Check out lots more happening around Blogland this week.

So . . . back to that first thought about time flying by too quickly . . .

On Saturday we attended a lovely wedding for a great-nephew.  It's such fun to spend time with family for happy occasions. And especially fun when you get to see the family members that we don't get to see very often - coming from Texas and Georgia, and other closer places.  At the reception he gave a terrific speech about how he had chosen a wife who was a lot like the other women who have influenced his life - his sister, his mom, and his grandmother's. It was funny and very touching!

The youngest grandson turned 8 on Saturday.  His dad has a birthday today.  And our oldest grandson turns 12 this coming Friday.  Because we were at the wedding we didn't join the birthday celebration, but he had a fun day with friends and cousins.  He spent a night with us earlier in the week, and I delivered his birthday present on Friday.

Early on Sunday morning Dave noticed our front porch visitor.  He sent the picture to our kids with the comment "watch dogs are over rated" when you have a big Tom turkey on the porch. 

Well, back to some sewing and some laundry and packing for our trip. 


  1. it is not every day that you have a turkey on the porch railing - that would be surprising!

  2. Lots of activity at your house this past week. Hum, I hope you post a pic of the bunny quilt when you are done. And, wow! a turkey on the railing. We used to get a lot of deer and a bear or two walking by but nothing came to sit on our railing. Fun times!

  3. Your Bees runner is really cute. Congrats on all the progress, it's always fun to check off an UFO from the list. Happy stitching this week.

  4. Sounds like a fun week, and a quilt finish on top of it! Love the turkey on your front porch - that would be a fun sight!

  5. you don't realize how big turkeys are until they are close...cute bees runner!

  6. The turkey photo prompted a memory. My Mom had some ducks and geese that loved to hang around the farmhouse. They always created a racket when someone pulled into the yard. I’ve got QOV blocks on my design wall. Hopefully, I’ll get them sewn into rows this week.

  7. Always hard to make design decisions that are permanent--perhaps that is why so many quilt tops spend time in closets :) Cute grandson.

  8. What a visitor! We can spend an inordinate amount of time agonizing over the quilting details that a recipient would never notice.

  9. Sounds like some amazing times - so glad you can enjoy and be with friends and fmaily!
    The bee quilt is going to be so cute!


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