
Sunday, July 16, 2023

Binding, binding, binding

 There are 3 binding projects going on right now, with another couple on the horizon.  It's exciting to have several things so close to a finish.

Black and white dotted binding is ready to go for this one.  Haunted Halloween was one of those squirrels that distracted me this summer. But it's small (wall hanging), so it was not a distraction for long.  Plus it's already back from a local quilter.  Carol did such a cute job with this one.  She used a grey thread because there is a lot of grey in the border print, plus I wanted the spider webs to show.  And the bonus - there are little spiders here and there in the web. This wall hanging was a free pattern and sew-along from Fat Quarter Shop.  

The binding on Humble Homes is nearly finished.  This was an OLD project that showed up on my UFO list for several years with no progress.  Finally in 2022 I made the commitment to get it done, so I could enjoy it.  Dark blue batik binding is going on this fairly large quilt.

The 3-D Pinwheel is the 3rd binding project.  Leftover green batik backing from Humble Homes  was enough for the backing on this baby quilt too.  And I actually quilted it myself.  Orange binding is going on, which should pull that color from the border and also go nicely with that backing.


  1. You have been moving along with projects this year. Those spider webs on the first project are really cool. Looking forward to seeing that one finished.

  2. So nice to move some long term projects to the finish line. I have several tops that need to be quilted. Enjoy hand stitching the binding. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  3. Wow you have lots of projects to bind! The quilting on the Halloween project is just wonderful!


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