
Saturday, July 15, 2023

RSC23 - Week #28

 Most - but not all - of the red sewing this week focused on Quilts of Valor.  

My block-making focus this week has been on these Split Back Star blocks for 2 quilts with slightly different layouts.  This was a free pattern from the Quilts of Valor website this past year, and it's perfect for block drives with lots of different people making blocks. The star floats so the blocks can be sliver trimmed if necessary to make them all the same size.  

The first quilt top this week needed no blocks trimmed however, because they were all the same size even though 3 different people sewed the blocks. The second version will not have the outer borders, so it needs 30 blocks instead of 20.  The blocks are done, so maybe next week the second quilt top will be assembled.  We have more block sets using different patterns that are ready to sew into tops.

The next red project is to finish the top for this wall hanging using the Sewcialites 2 blocks in the 3" finished size.  Right now this is approximately 24" square, which is a nice size.

But there are still 7 of the 3" blocks.  

And 2 more blocks set into the centers of these 9" Friendship Stars.  I'm trying to decide if I want to incorporate all of these into the wall hanging or make them into separate projects.  Any thoughts on this are welcome because I'm really stuck.  Thanks in advance!!

I also used up a leftover piece of this Spiderman fabric from a pillowcase to make another doll quilt.  The squares are all cut 3.5".  Again, everything was pulled from the scraps. The top is done, but I haven't decided on a backing yet.  There is one extra 4-patch left over, but it might end up on the back.

Two new Stashbuster blocks using red have brought the total of these to . . . a pathetic 9.  I had forgotten all about these RSC blocks the past few months. These are 10" finished blocks and are easily made using scraps - hence the name I'm sure.  Now that I've made some progress in using up RSC block sets for new quilt tops, I should be able to get back to working on some of the neglected block sets again.  

What else is happening in the RSC world this week?


  1. Those stars for the QOV made a really near layout! Glad they were all consistent in size for you. I love the Sewcialites blocks in the 24 inch design you came up with, and wouldn't add any more blocks to that one. Unfortunately, that doesn't give you any help in using up the rest of the blocks! Maybe all of them could be used as Friendship Star centers? They Could make a pretty design in a separate quilt, too.

  2. I don't know that I've ever seen a split star block, but it's pretty great and makes a spectacular quilt top. Your wall hanging looks great as it is, so I would just finish it off with a red binding and use the rest of the blocks in a nice table runner or something. Three inch blocks also make great (very fancy) coasters!

  3. Wow! You have been very busy! I’m not much of a designer, but I sort of like the layout for Sewcialities 2 as is. I’m not sure what it’s “supposed” to look like, but I think it great! Thanks for the hint as to the pattern for the Split Stars. That’s a great block!

    Have a good week!

  4. What a spectacular QOV pattern. Stunning. The Spiderman doll's quilt cracked me up.

  5. I really like those split stars. Such a great block. I'd keep the friendship stars separate and let them shine in their own quilt. Have a great weekend.

  6. The red and white wall hanging looks like it could be done! Although you could try adding the other blocks...but I think they might be a different "mood" than what you have done already!

  7. I'd probably use the 3" Sewcialites 2blocks as borders around two opposite corners and finish the rest of the border with white. That get you to about 30" but that's not too large. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do with the rest of the


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