
Friday, July 14, 2023

Quilts of Valor - 2 flimsies

A week ago at our guild meeting, Deb B brought me a completed Quilt of Valor top she has been working on.  It's really gorgeous, and all from fabric donations.

The rail fence blocks came from a jelly roll donation from a lady in the area, who donated it in honor of her dad who was a Korean War veteran.  She has a daughter who is a veteran as well.  A big thank you to Linda H for the beautiful fabrics.  Deb also made more rail fence blocks from the jelly rolls, so those will go into another future quilt.

I had this kitted up with the jelly roll and the print for the plain blocks alternating with the rail fence.  That "postage stamp" print was from my own stash.  And Deb added the borders from her own stash. 

The second completed top uses the Split Back Star blocks.  I made some of the blocks, the sister of the future recipient made some of the blocks, and one of out QOV group members made some.  This version used 20 blocks (12" finished) plus a border.  

The next one that's in progress has a different layout and will use 30 blocks and no border.  We will need 10 more blocks (2 rows) for this one.  The same gal who made some of the previous blocks also made some of these, and is making more.  I made the rest, and will make more too.  This layout is a simple diagonal but just as pretty. 


  1. Those split star quilts are really fun. Congrats on all the QOV progress. Happy stitching this weekend.

  2. Beautiful QOV! Kudos to all who contributed and/or sewed.

  3. What fun quilts!! I like the split stars with lots of fabrics - It gives it a super cool look!


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