
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Christmas in July

Sometimes I'm very fortunate and stumble upon the perfect fabric for a project.  The outer border fabric is a good example of just such a perfect find.

The background of this one is a grey snowflake print, and the crazy pieced sashing is a dark red, so finding something to work well with those colors was expected to be difficult.  But last winter when I stopped into The Pin Cushion with the top, that border fabric just spoke to me.  And I'm sure glad I listened when it spoke. I love it!

This version of the 2022 Saturday Sampler is complete, and I'm really pleased with the results.  This one is very large, so it will be on my queen size bed for Christmas.  Bonus - checking it off both my UFO Challenge list and the PHD list (local).

One more set of these 12 Saturday Sampler blocks is waiting for inspiration.  I used batiks and a pale grey background for that last set.  And I have no idea yet about how I might set them together.  There is no rush since I already have over a dozen other quilt tops hanging in the closet - waiting.


  1. Your quilt is lovely, that border fabric is perfect! You'll be ready for Christmas with a brand new quilt for your bed. Happy stitching on the rest of your projects!

  2. You are right... you found the perfect border fabric for these beautiful blocks. Great finish!

  3. Wow! The setting and border fabrics worked really well. Congrats on a gorgeous finish.

  4. You have an eye for color! The quilt is beautiful

  5. Perfect fabric, it compliments the whole quilt!


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