
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Wednesday check-in

The 4 Split Back Star blocks that I cut out on Sunday are now done, and I'm pulling fabrics from the QOV drawer to cut a few more of these. 

These will go into 2 Quilts of Valor.  There are so many different ways of laying these out once we have enough for both quilts.  

Here is one layout option for using 20 blocks with a border added to bring it up to size.  There are 4 solid red/blue blocks somewhat centered that are slightly different. The stars (made by a QOV group member) on them use a 3.5" square for the star points, instead of the 2.5" squares.  So the stars are just a touch larger.  I think they will be just fine = although I might move them to the 4 outside corners.  Any feedback is very welcome.

The arcs I'm paper-piecing for the cruise project are sewn in 2 halves.  Five of the 18 needed are completely done except for removing the paper.  The other 13 of these have the first half all sewn, and are mostly trimmed to size.  That leaves the other half left to paper piece, trim, and then sew to the first half.  Progress is slow and steady. 

I mentioned yesterday that I had used trimmings from the backing fabric on Humble Homes to make the binding.  Well - then I noticed in the project box that I had already cut blue batik binding strips for this one.  Tuesday morning I sewed the blue ones together and pressed them - and sewed the binding onto the quilt.  That leaves a nice green binding all ready for some other project some day.  The hand stitching of the blue binding has begun. 


  1. I really like your QOV lay out. Those split blocks do lend themselves to some cool settings.

  2. The stars look great where they are, and the layout is wonderful. The blocks make an attractive quilt.

  3. I like the block placement just the way it is...if anything I would move the four squares down and add a row so it is the same number of blacks up and down...but that is most likely my OCD talking:)


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