
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

To Do Tuesday

 The binding for Humble Homes is prepped.  Hopefully this morning it will be attached to the Humble Homes quilt and I can begin the hand stitching this evening.

This is a long-term UFO project, and it will be especially satisfying to have it finished.

This month's Saturday Sampler block was pieced.  We've alternated each month between piecing and applique blocks.  Now that we're about halfway through I need to start paying more attention to which colors I'm using so they are somewhat balanced in the quilt.

No new progress was made on the paper-pieced project, but it's at least back on top of the desk again now that I've finished working on some less stressful things.

When I was posting yesterday about what projects I wanted to work on this week I totally forgot about this one.  This was one of the UFOs on my list for June, and I never touched it in June.  But it didn't require that much work to finish. The Purple 4-Patch baby quilt is finally a flimsy - and hanging in the closet with a lot more waiting their turns for quilting.  

The purple 4-patch units were left over from a past year's Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt.  I ended up not liking some of my color choices, so I didn't make the actual mystery quilt.  The rest of the block units went into other quilts long ago, and I was left with a project box full of these 4-patches that were 3.5" square.  Last winter I cut a bunch of the 3.5" green squares (from leftover backing) and sewed a square to each 4-patch.  Two rows were sewn together, and then the project went back into the project box along with a possible border print.

It was time to just finish this up instead of leaving it partially assembled.  So yesterday afternoon the rest of the rows and the borders were a priority.   In less than 2 hours the quilt top was done, and now the project box is empty and ready for a new project.  That the floral print has been in the stash for a long time.  It was also a quilt backing, but from a few years ago and I can't even remember what it was used for.  There is still almost a full yard of the floral left so it's folded and tucked into the purple stash drawer until some new project needs just that piece. 


  1. Your purple 4 patch turned out beautifully. Even better, it used up some of the older stash. Happy stitching this week.

  2. The purple and green compliment each other!


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