
Friday, July 21, 2023

Happy Blocks & wildlife

On Wednesday morning I was outside taking some quilt photos for the blog near my front porch, and was admiring how nice my Hosta plants look(ed).  They are on the north side where the deep winter snow had been slow to melt, so they came up very late this spring.  On Thursday morning, 1 of the 3 plants looked like this . . .

The deer had mowed this one off like they used a weed whacker!!  We've had this happen other years too, and they always just eat this one on the end, leaving the other 2 alone. This time they also ate the flowers on the center one which was already blooming.

About 4:20 this morning I woke up to a lot of noise on the deck just outside our bedroom and kitchen windows. There were 4 raccoons on the deck.  They had unlatched one side of a suet bird feeder and were fighting over the suet cake they had stolen. One was on the railing and the other 3 were on the floor of the deck near the table.  None of them were at all bothered by me turning on the outdoor lights or even stepping out to try to shoo them away.  Now I'm wide awake!!

So, this new flimsy was the subject of my Thursday morning photo - and why I discovered the chewed up plant.  This is a Happy Block quilt top.  

It began with this charm pack and jelly roll from my stash.  The blocks 8.5" finished so the quilt is about 42" by 60" as I set the blocks 5 x 7.  It's bright and cheerful, and my plan (for now anyway) is to try to quilt it myself.  It will most likely be a donation quilt. 


  1. We have a lot of hostas and if DH didn't spray them ours would look like your weed wacked one. Right now ours are almost done blooming. Definitely the right name for that flimsy because it looks so happy.

  2. that fabric looks great! brave raccoons - to not run off with you yelling at them and the light on.

  3. Every spring, I tie cut up strips of dryer sheets onto a stick (for kebabs) and put them in the soil around plants that I don't want deer to eat. It works. My hostas are all blooming this year.

  4. Fortunately hostas are tough and they'll come back. Hope the raccoons don't get farther than the deck. (We've had them in the attic.) Great happy blocks!

  5. Such a pretty quilt! Raccoons are funny critters. When I lived on the farm, they would come up to the patio door and peek inside. I loved watching the mom lead her brood on the fence poles in the evening.

  6. Deer like Hostas! The buggers anyway! Your quilt is very bright and cheerful!!


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