
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Haunted Halloween is done

Another binding is complete - on Haunted Halloween. 

This was a free pattern from Fat Quarter Shop, and done as a short sew-along with Pat Sloan.  I actually ordered the kit for this because I fell in love with the fabrics.  And yes - I do have a whole drawer full of fun Halloween fabrics in the stash.  But this was just too cute.  That border wasn't part of the original pattern, but it was too cute to hide on the back, right?  It's about 40" square.

Online there were so many amazing and creative ways that people finished their quilts.  I only added a couple of small things to the castle section - a ghost in the window, and a little sign in the doorway saying "Do Not Enter".  I cut these from some scraps and fused them on before my friend Carol quilted it for me.  

I showed the quilting earlier in the week, but just have to show it again.  She used a grey thread so that the spiderwebs actually show up.  And there are spiders hanging in those webs!!   So cute!!  I can't wait to hang this up for Halloween this fall.  


  1. that is a cute pattern - you are thinking ahead for sure to have a Halloween project done now

  2. The ghost and the sign are perfect additions!

  3. OMG so stinking cute!! I love how she quilted the spider too.


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