
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Plodding along

 Tuesday night we had a nasty storm move through our area.  And about 11:00 pm we had a close call with lightning.  It struck a tree next to the house then followed the extension cord from the bug zapper hanging in the tree right to the house. Boom!!!!

Luckily there was no fire. Just some fried electronics for the most part. My sewing machine survived unscathed. An electrician checked things out Wednesday morning. And hopefully our Internet and cable connections will be restored today. In the meantime the only sewing on Wednesday was putting together one of the 12 sections of the cruise project. Slowly but surely I will finish this. 


  1. Lightning is scary. A strike barely missed the propane tank on the farm. A tree took the strike instead.

  2. Oh my goodness, Sara. That sounds so dramatic, scary and almost filmy!!! I pictured the crackling electricity as I read your words. Glad that everyone is safe. You cannot rush New York Beauty but she is coming along nicely. Big hugs.

  3. so many storms all over the place causing damage. I will be glad for some calm weeks.

  4. Yikes that is to close for comfort. I am glad you didn't have to much damage. We had lightening close to our camper early in the morning.

  5. Wow, that was a close call. Glad you could get the electrician to come right away. I love your project!

  6. My mom and mother-in-law had some crazy stories about lightning coming in the house and bouncing around. We were not allowed to use any electricity, water or telephone when we were young. They and my grandmother swore lightning had come into the house via all three methods, back in the 20s and 30s.

  7. Oh heck fire!! that is way to close of a call!! glad all things were okay - well except the poor bug zapper!!!


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