
Friday, July 28, 2023

Slow going

This has been a week! Between having people here checking on our lightning damage, and people fixing or replacing things damaged, my sewing routine has gotten kind of ragged.  Additionally I've had various appointments on Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday - and our kids and grandkids will be here this weekend beginning with some this evening.  The electrician arrived again this morning at 7:30 am already.  We consider ourselves lucky - no fire, no big holes in the house (just the tree) and the lightning didn't impact the really important things - AC system, my sewing machine, major appliances. Got our Internet back late morning yesterday, and cable TV before supper time yesterday. The lightning strike fried our lawn sprinkler system controller and some other things.  Gradually we're finding problems, and hopefully things will return to normal in a few days.  

Yesterday I posted this 4 block unit from the quilt cruise project. There are 9 of these (20" square) units with the colors in different locations.  I have 2 of them assembled.  There are also 3 more plain units only using the light colors, and those are all done.  In spite of lots of interruptions yesterday Row 1, with 2 of these and 1 of the plain units, is complete.   

The final set of blocks for the 2022 Saturday Sampler is also seeing a little progress.  I definitely need something bright and cheery to work on besides that cruise project.  The pieced sashing from the original pattern creates a big impact with a secondary design.  But it's also a bit time consuming, so this is also a slow project. That's OK.  The coral, white, and black/white pieces are all cut and so far I have 3 of the 12 sampler blocks sashed.

The mail yesterday brought a large heavy box with 3 - yes 3!! - Quilts of Valor quilts for our group to use for some of the excess nominations we've received recently for people outside of our normal area. These came from a regional coordinator. The beautiful quilts are already quilted and trimmed, but need binding and labels, which we can easily do.  Two of the 3 quilts even had binding strips included with them.  One is a gorgeous Carpenter Star and has this quilting design - with words like honor, bravery, courage still with little stars.  Just beautiful quilts!!


  1. Beautiful blocks - and the quilting on that QOV is cool!

  2. The cruise project looks fantastic: it will be a striking piece. I hope you’ve discovered all of the damage caused by the lightning.

  3. What a mess lightening can make. That is very pretty quilting on that Quilt of Valor.

  4. That Quilt Cruise project is FABULOUS! I love the geometry of it.

    So sorry that you encountered so much hassle/damage with the storm on your estate. Hope things are soon normal enough.

  5. Beautiful project, but that cruise project looks challenging. I saw on of your cruise friends at mass yesterday and it made me think of you.


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