
Saturday, July 29, 2023

RSC23 - Week #30

 Hmmm - not sure it has been good for to keep counting these weeks.  It is just a loud reminder that 2023 is flying by too quickly. Check out more RSC projects here:

There was quite a lot of red sewing this month.  I was able to add more blocks to several of the on-going block sets: Brighten, Boxed Squares, Pyramids, Floating Stars, Stashbuster, Windmills, Small Hearts, and more.  Several quilt tops were finished, and a couple quilts even got binding.  

One of the RSC23 block sets has become a finished quilt.  The 3-D Pinwheels baby quilt is all done, and I even quilted it myself.  There isn't any red in this one, but I had 8 more blocks left over when I decided to keep this crib sized.  So maybe I'll include red in some future blocks using this pattern.

There are plenty of red blocks in the Falling In Love quilt. These heart blocks were all from RSC22, and the flimsy was assembled earlier in 2023.  I picked it up from the quilter about a week ago, but haven't quite decided yet on binding color. 

So, overall I'm very happy with all of the RED I was able to play with in July.  August will bring a new color to dig into, and I'm excited to see what the month brings. 


  1. You know, it’s really “crazy amazing” how much you’ve accomplished this month! I am really loving those Brighten blocks, and I’ve put them on my short list for RSC24. They sort of remind me of the Linked Squares quilt I did back in 2018 (only I like your even better!)

  2. My, oh my, how do you keep all these projects straight? Each one is a treasure.

  3. Congrats on the two finishes, that's a really good month. Lots of fun red blocks, so more fabulous RSC quilts to come. So glad you've been able to recover from the lightening strike, those do so much damage.

  4. 2023 is definitely flying by! Looks like you've gotten a lot done this month. I love the 3-D pinwheel quilt - so bright and happy! Can't wait to see Falling in Love finished. It's such a pretty design!

  5. Such a productive month adding blocks and finishing quilts. That little crib quilt is adorable.

  6. The pinwheel baby quilt is ever so pretty! You do beautiful work!

  7. lots of happy sewing & wonderful accomplishments,I always want to do a yellow background,maybe one day! LoL

  8. Great red projects! I'm looking forward to what the August color will be.


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