
Thursday, August 10, 2023

Busy week

 I haven't set foot in my sewing room since Monday morning.  My intensions were good, but work ended up getting in the way. I've actually put in more work hours in the past 3 days than in the past month total and that really cuts into ME time. LOL

The one quilt-related activity this week?  

Last night 3 of us went to present quilts to 3 veterans at a nearby small town's American Legion annual community dinner meeting. I'm not in this photo as I'm behind the camera. 

Our QOV group will be very busy with presentations, and also busy finishing more quilts.  We have several more presentations coming up soon, and it's getting difficult to keep up by having enough quilts for all of those awards.  It's a good problem to have.


  1. Congratulations to these three veterans! I hope the quilts express how much their service is appreciated.

  2. This is a nice thing to do for them.

    Our connection to Renville is my husband, Mark Nester. He grew up in Sacred Heart and went to the Catholic Church in Renville. His brothers had an accounting practice in Redwood Falls, Nester & Nester. I'm from St. Paul with no connection to that area other than what Mark talks about. When I read your comment on FS blog I found it interesting you are from the same area as he is.

  3. i've done a couple of presentations and they are awesome...

  4. It’s the reason we keep on making and donating quilts … right?!

  5. Way to go! Three more Veterans honored:)


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