
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Making good use of complete block sets

For a couple of weeks now I've focused on using some of the complete block sets hanging in the closet to make quilt tops.  It's time to put those blocks to good use.  Some organizing - and counting - has resulted in a plan of attack. 

One of those block sets was the batik Floating Stars that I've been making for Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year.  Once I added 2 yellow blocks for August, there were enough to create a quilt top about 54 x 60.  I had already made the narrow gold spacers using quarter size stars earlier this summer.  When I layed these out on the floor on Sunday it was raining so the colors don't show up well. But I think this will be pretty.

The rows will be sewn together in between some of the Saturday Sampler project that is my priority project this week.  There is no rush on this one but it's nice to have another empty skirt hanger in that closet now - ready for some new block collection to come to life in the future.

The Churn Dash blocks using children's prints is also a complete set, unless I change the layout a little which is always a possibility.  The Happiness Is Scrappiness blocks are all complete as well.  I think each of these will get its turn this month.  

It's quite satisfying to push some of these projects to the next step toward completion.


  1. Those floating stars are so great. I like how you added the spacers and the smaller stars - it makes it so cool to look at!!

  2. The smaller stars are great. I look forward to seeing how you'll set the churn dashes.

  3. Looks good and that cat fabric is awfully cute!

  4. I am in love with the stars and adding those small yellow ones gives it so much character.


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