
Monday, August 7, 2023

Design Wall Monday - August 7

My design wall this morning is full of the pieces for the first border on the Saturday Sampler I've been working on, which is pieced like the sashing.  It will be followed by a solid border.  I'm plugging along on this border, and also with sewing those blocks into rows.

I need 24 of the 9.5" sections with coral triangles to make that pieced border. It will complete the secondary design of the pieced sashing. I'm using the triangles trimmed from those corners to make pinwheels.  Not sure what the pinwheels will become but those corners were too big to throw away.

You can see how the border will finish the secondary design (upper right), and leave the whole center floating.  The blocks themselves are now pinned into rows. 

What have I been doing with the trimmed triangles from the 48 flying geese in that sashing?  Well, they have become Hourglass blocks.  I'm using these, along with other batik Hourglass blocks from previous projects, to add to Bricks cut from a horse print I bought in New Mexico last winter.  I think once finished this will become a good donation quilt.  Like I said before, I just can't throw away those triangles when they are that large.  The Hourglass blocks are 3.5", and the Bricks are 3.5" by 6.5", so together they should make a decent child sized quilt. 

Also on my design wall/ironing board are binding strips, cut but not sewn together yet - for the Falling In Love quilt with all the hearts.  There are 3 more complete block sets pulled out of the closet to play with layouts ideas.   

One bigger priority is getting labels onto 3 Quilts of Valor that will be presented on Wednesday.  Actually that priority needs to be done TODAY!!

What's on YOUR design wall this morning? 


  1. THat is one complicated quilt design you are working on, Sara. I'm with you, can't throw out those cut off pieces either. Have a great week.

  2. The sashing and border pull the eye toward the blocks. It’s going to be a beautiful quilt.

  3. Looking good! I am working on a afghan for our daughter, crochet:)

  4. That terrific border elevates this sampler! Great design.


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