
Monday, August 14, 2023

Design Wall Monday - rows and rows

The batik Floating Stars quilt has reached the Assembled Rows stage.

There are 4 of the 12" finished star blocks, and one 6 x 12" spacer with a miniature star in each of the 5 rows on this one. Hopefully by the end of the day today it will be a complete flimsy.  This was a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project this year but only used the colors from January through August.

One final border strip needs to be added to the Saturday Sampler, and then that one will also be a completed flimsy.  The bonus triangles trimmed from that quilt have been sewn into blocks, and now into rows as well.  About 2/3 of the rows are sewn together so far.  Possibly a complete child size flimsy by the end of the week?  Maybe.

One row of Happiness Is Scrappiness is complete.  

I'm really determined to push these block sets into assembled rows, and then into completed quilt tops.  The scary thing is that there are already 13 flimsies hanging in the closet waiting to be quilted - not counting wall hangings or table runners.   

The hand stitching goal for this week is to finish binding the 2 quilts I'm working on - one big quilt and one small quilt.  

What's on YOUR design wall today?


  1. Those batiks are so pretty!!!
    Happiness is Scrappiness is cool!!! that is a great color scheme!

  2. Oh the Happiness is Scrappiness is going to be a real treasure!


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