
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

More quilt tops

It's a work day today so very little will happen in my sewing room, but progress was definitely made on Monday morning.  It's quick when the rows are already sewn together. 

My closet is getting quite full with completed quilt tops waiting to be quilted. Some are big and some are small.  And this doesn't count table runners or small wall hangings. I enjoy piecing the most, so these do tend to add up quickly.  

Finished quilt top #1 - This was my 3rd version of the 2022 Saturday Sampler.  This first 2 versions are completed quilts already.  This layout with the pieced sashings was how the original pattern was, except it had a very wide 10" outer border.  I did use that for the first version I made with Christmas fabrics.  The second version had just simple sashing and no borders.  But for this one I just added 6" borders, making it finish at 72 x 90, which is still a pretty big quilt.  

Finished quilt top #2 - Floating Star has been a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project this year.  The blocks are all done with batiks, except for the white stars themselves.  Again, I didn't want this quilt to be too large, so only the colors from January through August are included.  It's 54 x 60 as is.  

Nearly finished quilt top #3 for this week . . . only 4 more rows need to be sewn onto the Horse quilt.  I've been using the hourglass blocks made from the triangles trimmed from the Saturday Sampler quilt.  There were other batik hourglass blocks too, so I've combined them with bricks cut from the brown horse print (from New Mexico last winter).  This will be a child size quilt when finished, and I'm hoping that will happen after work this afternoon.  


  1. however did you gather up so many tops that need quilting LOL - how many are in there do you know? That would drive me crazy. One time I had 7 finished and I couldn't stand the thought of having so many and really slowed down the making of others until I was down to 2 waiting in line

  2. THose are great!!! I really like that floating stars!!
    and what a great collection of *To be quilted*!!!

  3. I have maybe 5 hanging up, 1 laying down and 1 I have to pick out some hand quilting and machine quilt it instead. Haven't been able to get to them due to making gift quilts but I'm trying to sneak one in every now and then. Piecing is my favorite too!!


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