
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Entwined Star

Today is my orthopedic appointment.  I'm hoping that we'll come up with a plan for the second new hip before it gets any worse.  I'll admit that I should not have put this off so long.

Since I've used up a lot of block sets for Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilts this year, I've been playing with a few new block ideas for 2024.  And what better way to test out a new pattern than using some of the patriotic fabrics in my stash?

This is Entwined Star, and the pattern actually has 3 different sizes (12", 9", 6").  I made it in the 12" finished size because I can use the block in a Quilt of Valor sampler.  The FREE pattern is linked here.

I really like to have a mix of blocks to make for RSC each month - some quick and easy, and some more complicated.  This one looks complicated but is actually very easy.  One reminder to myself is to make sure to have enough contrast in the 3 main fabrics.  The second red/white/blue version shows off the design more clearly.

One sample was also made for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge collection.  I used yellow (August) and aqua (September) along with a pinkish red.  Entwined Star is definitely a keeper. 


  1. Entwined makes a beautiful block! The larger 12" finished size will make lovely QOV quilts, happy stitching!

  2. interesting star-good luck at the doctor's office

  3. That is a nifty block! Hope you get good news from the ortho.

  4. Pretty block pattern in all the fabrics. I know what you mean about putting your surgery off too long. I hope you were able to schedule the surgery.

  5. These are really cool blocks! I will have to check out that site, thanks;) So what did you find out from your appt?


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