
Monday, August 28, 2023

Design Wall Monday - Aug. 28

The design wall in my brain currently has about 10 different projects on it - all clamoring for attention.  But the design wall in real life needs to be less cluttered before I can explore some of those new projects, and I'm optimistic that is about to happen.  

 The only thing remaining to be added to the Scrappiness Is Happiness top is an outer border.  Before borders it's 74 long x 77 wide.  The pattern has 5" borders on the top and bottom, and 3" borders on the sides. That evens it up to be square.  But I'm not a big fan of square quilts, so I'm considering just doing wide borders on the top and bottom and nothing else on the sides. 

Since all of the various sashing pieces and backgrounds have been scrappy, I'm thinking a totally scrappy outer border would be fun.  And it would use up more of the fabric in the project box. 

Other than some Quilts of Valor block sets, this is the last set of blocks just handing in the closet that will become a quilt top for at least a little while.  

What is on your design wall today?  Check out a few more at:


  1. What if you did a small solid color border and then a bigger scrappy piano key one?

  2. That's a fun one, Sara! I like all the different blocks - so many cute ones. I completely understand about the design wall in your brain conflicting with real life - I'm there, too!

  3. Congrats on your near finish! That is a cute quilt. I agree with Vickie. You might like to lay out your quilt on possible fabric for a small border alongside and a top border and see how it looks.

  4. That's certainly an eclectic mix. And happily scrappy!


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