
Saturday, August 26, 2023

RSC23 - Week #34

 Really? It's the end of August already?  Where did my summer go?  I love fall, but it's hard to let go of summer this year. I haven't had nearly enough summer fun yet.  We have the annual Corn Palace Festival going on here.  Today is not expected to be very hot, so I imagine the crowds will be better than the past couple days.  There is a car show going on this afternoon, carnival and food trucks, and lots of music events.  Check out the live camera of the Corn Palace itself.  This is the time of year when they update the murals - 100% covered with colored corn and grasses grown especially for it.

There was one more RSC flimsy finish this week, as the rows were finally assembled for the Framed Friendship Squares.  This has been an ongoing RSC project using the 6" friendship squares shared by the local guild.  It will make another good donation quilt.  The squares still in the project box are becoming star blocks going forward.  

These blocks are great for scraps.  The backgrounds are scrappy and range from solid white to a light grey, with prints as well - as long as they read quite neutral.  The block pattern was a Pat Sloan block from her Winter Fun sew-along a few years ago.  

A yellow binding was finished this week.  Falling In Love - the block pattern was from The Pattern Basket, and became one of my main RSC monthly projects in 2022.  I made 5 blocks each month in the color for that month.  The quilter used a peachy-orange thread so the stitching design shows up nicely.  The bonus?  This is the 12th and final finish on my 2023 PHD list for the local quilt shop challenge.  Projects Half Done is a terrific challenge to encourage more finishes.

My current yellow scrappy blocks are done, and since several RSC block sets have become quilt tops in the past few weeks, I've been giving some thought to what other UFOs with lots of yellow might be still packed away.  And look what I found - another Sew Together bag - and it's all ready for assembly.  The front was quilted to the batting already, and the interfacing pieces are even ironed on.  

Look - the inside lining pieces are a yellow batik.  The 3 pockets with zippers are sewn in and the next step is to trim that lining/pocket section to match the quilted front section.  The striped end pieces need top stitching too.  The Sew Together bag is really fun to make - except for one step - sewing through a zillion layers to get the ends, lining, pockets, and front all combined.  The plan is to finish this bag except for the hand stitching this week.  Here's a confession - there are still a couple more of these bags all kitted up in a basket.  

I may need to start collecting some hand stitching projects to do if my second hip replacement gets scheduled for the near future.  I meet with the orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday morning. 

What else is happening in the RSC world?


  1. nice quilts - good luck with getting the replacement hip scheduled

  2. Falling in Love turned out so cute and Scrappy Friendship Squares came together beautifully. You've done really well with getting projects finished and to finished quilt top stage this year.

  3. Yay! Two RSC quilts finished! I really like the layout of your Falling in Love quilt! It is so cute!

  4. I love your Falling in Love quilt, Sara! That's a beautiful finish! Are you keeping it, or does it have a destination? The framed friendship squares make a fun layout, too. Here in Loveland, Colorado, we have the Corn Roast Festival going on this weekend. I guess it's the time of year to celebrate corn!

  5. An RSC quilt top, an RSC quilt finish AND some lining up for some progress on a UFO? Way to go, Sara!!

  6. The Framed Friendship Squares top is beautiful. I need to just start making blocks throughout the year. I hope your surgery is scheduled soon.

  7. I'd say you had a good week! Wishing you luck with your DR. appt. next week.

  8. Oh I like the framed friendship block,it's the first I've heard it seen that one,I absolutely luv yellow background quilts,why I've yet to make one is beyond me,one day I'm just going to have to buy fabrics & just do it!🤣

  9. One top done and one finished quilt, great going! I've never made on of those sew together bags, they do look nice though. You must have been planning ahead to have several kits made up for this project.

  10. Good luck with your doctor appointment. You have plenty of beautiful projects happening to keep you busy, but definitely need some hand work to do too. The framed friendship block quilt is super cute. I love all the scrappy goodness -- especially all those neutrals. I remember how much I loved all those hearts. I still have my heart pattern sitting untouched because I just didn't want to start another project to add to the list. It still tempts me from time to time. Another "new" project was calling to me at 3am today... I have a feeling I won't be able to resist. Have a great holiday weekend.


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