
Thursday, August 31, 2023

UFO Challenge & more

 The UFO Challenge number drawn for September is 10, and my list has 3 items, as always, to choose from.  Except - 2 of those are already done. I finished the Country Bunnies wall hanging in June and the Bricks quilt was finished in February. 

That leaves the Pick a PIG option or working on a UFO from elsewhere on the list.  There are so many PIGs in the stash to choose from.  Lots of kits purchased but not started yet. And there are lots of UFOs waiting in the wings to be finished too.  Decisions, decisions . . . 

A blogging friend reminded me this week that starting something new is good for our motivation. The trick for me is not letting that new project become another UFO.  I think my PIG for September needs to be a small project such as a pillow, table runner, etc.  Today I'll look through the kits in the drawers and see what excites me the most.  The best option might be a project I can make and then gift to someone to be used. 

I'm easily distracted by something new but one quick way to satisfy that need is to test new block patterns.  This one happened yesterday.  It was another free block pattern on this website, which has a huge variety of block patterns, and well organized. 

The block is just identified on the site as a Friendship Star (intermediate) but I'm going to call it a 4-Square Star just to keep it separate from a traditional Friendship Star in my own mind. I'm thinking this could be a good option for Quilts of Valor and also for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  And the pattern actually has 3 different sizes.  I made the 12" version here, but may test an RSC version in a different size.  I also have cut out a more traditional Friendship Star block, along with a couple of other blocks I want to test.  

You know - just making blocks and tackling small organizing projects this week may have been just what my motivation needed.  


  1. You've definitely done well at moving along several projects this year. That star block is really cool, not one I've seen before. It would be fun as either a QOV or a RSC project. Enjoy your stitching time this weekend.

  2. Pretty block. Thanks for the link: the site is new to me.


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