
Friday, September 1, 2023

September goals

 I've been deviating from List Making for the past few weeks, and mostly just worked through some block sets to turn them into quilts.  Lots of progress with that, but now I need to get back to a List.  A list helps me focus, and with the change of seasons about to begin I feel the need to re-focus again.  There are plenty of small projects needing attention along with the bigger ones.

I've already dug into the aqua scraps for September, and have had a fun week with lots of  random block sewing being the name of the game.  

There were some red/white/blue things happening too. 

Since I know there will be recovery time needed once my second hip replacement happens, I'm hoping to have a bunch of hand stitching task (binding, etc.) ready to work on while I'm unable to get down the stairs to my sewing room.  We'll see what how that goes. 

For September I'm setting ambitious goals - many of which may not happen depending on my hip replacement surgery:

  • RSC color is Aqua - several blocks already made
  • misc block testing for new ideas 
  • Borders added to Scrappiness Is Happiness quilt
  • Sunflower Sew Together bag - finish assembling
  • Make 5-6 additional mug rugs from scraps
  • Finish the guild challenge Crumb Quilting project
  • Saturday Sampler - new pieced block (month 9)
  • Choose a PIG (project in grocery bag) to start in September
  • Watermelon table topper #2 - quilt and bind
  • Quilts of Valor 
    • make 1 additional top
    • bind 1 quilt
    • wash & label 2 quilts
  • Bind Pole Star (cruise quilt) - if it's back from quilter
  • Bind red/white wall hanging - if it's back from quilter


  1. yes make sure you have plenty of hand work and reading on hand while you recover!

  2. Hopefully you can check off a good number of them. Even if you don't, getting the surgery done will help with your productivity later on.

  3. I hope you have an easy surgery and recovery! Hand stitching is a great activity as you recover!


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