
Saturday, September 2, 2023

RSC23 - Week #35

 Some delightful time was spent this week sewing blocks in aqua - some to add to existing RSC projects, and others were test blocks for other projects including future RSC block sets.  Guess I was ready and eager to dig into a new color, although I was using yellow as well in some of them. 

Windmill blocks, a Stashbuster block, string sections, Pyramids, and Wisdom blocks . . . all added to block sets already in the works.  The Entwined Star (top left) was a test for Quilts of Valor done in red/white/blue, but then I just had to make a couple of them with aqua - just for fun. I love how it looks, so it will be in the future RSC rotation.  The Dutchman's Puzzle (center left) was a spur of the moment thing that happened.

Do you wake up in the middle of the night and realize you're dreaming/thinking of some new idea for a quilt project?  That happened to me early on Thursday morning.

The dream involved using THIS rainbow of batiks to make THIS particular block that I had printed just the afternoon before.  The Dutchman's Puzzle pattern was printed with the idea of making some for Quilts of Valor.  But my brain was going a different direction while I was asleep I guess. 

The gorgeous little stack of batiks were a gift from Preeti, who blogs at  She is a pattern designer as well as an Island Batik Ambassador. Earlier this year she gave away this little stack of "leftovers", and I was the very lucky person who won them.  I really love batiks!  The colors are so vibrant and they are always nice to sew on.

So, on Thursday morning I pulled one of the pretty batiks - aqua of course - from Preeti's gift, and another pretty one from my own scrap bin and used them to make a Dutchman's Puzzle block.  I'm sold!  I will continue making batik versions of this block - with scrappy white backgrounds. 

Time to check out more in the RSC world:


  1. I always like the Dutchman Puzzle block but all of the ones you show look great

  2. You'll have some fun RSC blocks for next year. Love your Dutchman's Puzzle block. Using Batiks is going to make for a gorgeous rainbow of colors in the final quilt.

  3. Oooh, aqua! I like the cool combo for the Dutchman's puzzle blocks.

  4. So many beautiful quilt blocks and designs! The batiks look perfect. Glad you were able to put your gift to such a great use.

  5. Ooh, that Entwined Star is beautiful! Where did you find the directions for it? I love the Dutchman's Puzzle block, too. That will be gorgeous in all the colors of that bundle!

  6. Great set of blocks for RSC2023! I'm thinking about making Dutchman's Puzzle as one of my RSC2024!

  7. Those blocks all look so happy together! I know they're bound for different quilts, but they are certainly playing nicely. And hurray for batiks! And Dutchman's Puzzle, too.

  8. Ok Sara stop that, now you got me wanting to make scrappy Dutchman puzzles!!!!!! But I don't have the time right now. Your blue/green block is so darn pretty:)

  9. All your blocks are gorgeous! The batiks will be perfect with the Dutchman's Puzzle pattern. Their colors are delicious!

  10. Sweet bits of AQUA added to the mix, Sara!!


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