
Monday, September 4, 2023

Design Wall Monday - Sept 4

 What's on your design wall today?  My design wall has a variety of projects on it - just like always, but some are further along than others.  As always.

A Quilt of Valor sampler is close to being a top.  One more block is in the works, and then I'll be able to finish assembling the rows.  The sashing is a grey with white dots,  There will be horizontal strips of the grey separating the rows as well as vertical sashing.  But I need to get that last block finished.

One more Entwined Star block joined the party yesterday. I used scraps for this one too, but not any aqua.  The darker triangles are a greyish-green and lavender.  

Sunday also involved a LOT of binding.  One Quilt of Valor is ready for the hand stitching stage of the binding.  And 14 little mug rugs have binding attached too.  More on that another day.

Check out more of what's happening at:


  1. Your QOV sampler is looking good. The Entwined Star block looks very regal, I think it's the colors you used. Happy stitching today.

  2. my design wall doesn't seem to change for months on end, it still has the Carpenter's Wheel on it but has grown!

  3. Are you saving the bindings for recovery time?

  4. The QOV is going to be great and love the newest block in your collection!

  5. Always looking for QOV ideas around here. Thanks for sharing. Love the idea.


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