
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Mid-week check in . . .

 After weeks of productive sewing I may have hit a temporary wall.  Actually it has more to do with the hip pain than anything else as the stairs to my sewing room have seemed daunting the past couple of days.  Even standing at the ironing board or sitting at my machine seem to be getting harder to tolerate.  So, I've spent lots of time working on hand stitching the binding on a Quilt of Valor.  

Yesterday afternoon I did venture down those stairs to my basement sewing room - knowing that coming back up would be difficult - and pressed another QOV binding so it's ready to attach.  I'm hoping to do that sometime today. 

While downstairs yesterday I also pulled out the project box that holds a bunch of orphan blocks to see what other goodies might be in there.  I found 3 more 6" blocks that would make good mug rugs. 

I did sit down at my machine long enough to quilt 3 more of the mug rugs that were sandwiched and waiting.  My intention was to get my Saturday Sampler block made too but that didn't happen. 

On the health front my second hip replacement surgery has gone from scheduled for next week to "tentative".  My pre-op physical included an EKG, and then another EKG, and then a stress test scheduled.  My irregular heartbeat has been controlled for several years by medication. However, now they see some changes they didn't like - hence the stress test which will be done on Friday morning.  In the meantime I'm still required to stop taking any pain meds/anti-inflammatory meds for the 2 weeks prior to surgery - just in case I can still have that hip replaced.  So it's a waiting game for me.   


  1. Well the bright side - I really like those blocks!!!
    The other - I am so sorry - I hope that they can get these things figured out for you - pain is really no fun at all!

  2. Sorry to hear about the heart issues and the potentially delayed surgery. Being without pain medication is difficult. I’ve had to stop medications for tomorrow’s CT scan, so I understand a bit of what you’re going through.

  3. Waiting is hard. A few more days til Friday and maybe it will get all straightened out so you can have the surgery next week. Thinking good thoughts for you!

  4. Are you allowed to use topical creams for pain/discomfort? Maybe a lidacaine patch? My mom swears by Arnica gel (at most pharmacies).
    Hoping for the best and swiftest results for your hip.

  5. That's so not fun to not be able to get to your sewing space and to have to give up your pain medication. Fingers crossed it all works out well and you still get your surgery scheduled soon.


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