
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Thursday highlights

 Normally my husband doesn’t notice anything that might need cleaning.  He’s just one of those people.  And he rarely steps foot into my sewing room.  But Wednesday he stopped in to chat, and commented that there were dust bunnies in the corner near my cutting table.  LOL. I reminded him that I currently am struggling to bend or even walk some days.  Cleaning wasn’t too high on my priority right now.  Next thing I knew he was coming back in and vacuuming.  Thank you, thank you!!  Maybe I’ll have to keep him after all. 

Digging around in the scrap bin to see what aqua was remaining, and I found some pieces with these cute snowmen.  They demanded that I fussy cut a couple for mug rug centers.  They are in the queue now for hand stitching the binding, which may happen today - just because. 

I made this month’s block for Saturday Sampler yesterday, but I’m not at all happy with it.  My fabric choices were not the best for this one.  That dark green bothers me.  So, I may have to remake it some other day with better color choices.

A few other things happened in the sewing room while I was down there, and tolerating the standing and sitting better than the day before.  The binding is now attached to the second Quilt of Valor, so that will be my task the next few evenings I think. 

And I finished sandwiching the mug rugs with backing and batting scraps.  There are 20 of them ready to quilt and attach binding.  I haven't counted them all, but am guessing that I've made almost 50 of these little mug rugs.  Some are done. Some are not.


  1. I sure hope your mobility increases after surgery. The snowman mug rug is so sweet. Maybe your hubby wants to clean dust bunnies in my sewing room too! Those things sure pile up in the sewing room don't they.

  2. Your Guy is definitely a keeper. I'm waging war on our dust bunnies this week, they breed as quickly as real bunnies do! Love the snowman mug rug. I like the green, it gives the block a 3 D feel. But you have to love it, it will bother you if you don't. Hope you get in some good stitching time today.

  3. that is so nice - my husband barely ever helps with anything in the house but every now and then he surprises me and does something.

  4. I dare not look too close in my sewing room. I have a handy Roomba, but he doesn’t work well in corners. The snowman mat is adorable-so cheerful.

  5. My hubby took over the vacuum duties after my spinal surgery. But now he is recovering from a knee replacement so I've been doing it again. I HATE vacuuming!


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