
Monday, October 16, 2023

Design Wall Monday - October 16

My design wall (ironing board) this morning has the Sea Otter wall hanging on it.  This is kind of like a paint by number project . . . but with tiny fabric pieces.  There are 84 little pieces in this kit, and thank goodness they were laser cut already.

I have a small start on the layout of the pieces so far.  

I'm learning quickly that standing at the cutting table or the ironing board is tiring. Not painful, but definitely tiring.  I have no stamina yet.  Sigh . . . 

A little more binding happened over the weekend, and I sewed a label onto a Quilt of Valor.  

My weekend was mostly a good one.  Saturday Sampler and Sew Vintage groups were so entertaining, especially after being cooped up at home for the past couple of weeks.  It's the people - and the quilt-y inspiration!!  Then I went grocery shopping, and realized it was just too much walking, bending, and reaching.  It was a good reminder to NOT overdue things yet. 


  1. Yes socialization is so important for our mental health, so glad you were out and about. For sure there are tons of little pieces in that pattern, but it'll be so cute!

  2. You need to rebuild your stamina, take it easy and don't overdo! I know that can be frustrating but you don't want to end up back in the hospital! The sea otter is very cute, the stitching looks like a good sit down project. Happy stitching!

  3. The Sea Otter is going to be such a fun project. It sounds like you are at the "I feel fine" stage, but your body isn't quite back to full speed yet. That's always the most frustrating time in the healing process. You feel too good to do nothing, but get tired too easily when you do anything. Hopefully this week is better on that front.

  4. Your sea otter will be lovely and worth the time invested! Congrats on the binding and label! I tend to put off sewing on labels forever!!!

  5. I can't wait to see how the sea otter takes shape. We have river otters and otter statues in Fredericksburg. Took our grands on a tour of the statues -- had a wonderful time. Where did you find your otter kit? I may have to commemorate our otters with something like that. Hope your stamina makes a quick return. It's so frustrating wanting to do things and find out you can only do half of what you expect. Take care of yourself.

  6. Your sea otter project looks so enticing! Do you have an adjustable ironing board that you can lower to a seated position, or a table top ironing board that you could use while you're recovering?

  7. Your otter project is coming right along - it looks like it will be amazing! I can see where it would feel so good mentally to be up and out doing things - I would feel the same way. I imagine you just have to listen to your body and it will tell you when to slow down!

  8. A most interesting start. I agree standing a long time is very tiring. As is sitting at the sewing machine for a long time. When I can I vary steps of a project. When I can't do that, I pause and read a book. LOL.

  9. The sea otter project is intriguing. I wondered how you were going to cut all this tiny pieces. It’s going to be a cute piece when finished. I’m glad you’re listening to your body and its current limitations and that you were able to attend the two quilt meetings.

  10. Your project looks good. Be kind to yourself and order groceries online!

  11. omg This will be great. Very neat technique! Take it easy cuz Sara.


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