
Saturday, October 14, 2023

RSC - Week #41

Nothing new to show for this week except for the 4 blocks I made on Thursday. Friday was PT day, plus a bunch of errands - no sewing.  But I’m sure there was a lot of scrappy fun happening elsewhere this week.

I’m caught up with the Pat Sloan Autumn Wonders blocks, in both fall colors and patriotic colors. I’ve been using fall themed scraps from a big bag of leftovers from an old project, so it has made it very fast to find just the right colors. 

We had 2 days of much needed rain, and received almost 3 inches.  As the rain fell, so have the leaves.  our backyard looks like a carpet of leaves.

It’s Saturday Sampler & Sew Vintage day today, and I’m really looking forward to some outings.  Last night my girlfriends picked me up and we went to a play (On Golden Pond).  It feels so good to begin some normal activities again.


  1. The storm system dropped rain here on Thursday afternoon and snow in the evening and throughout the night. It’s hard to tell how much fell because the ground was still warm. It’s mostly gone, except for the shady areas.

  2. I just got caught up with your Thursday post, and so glad to hear the stairs are doable now! Your Autumn Wonder blocks are really pretty - I especially love the colors and prints in the Autumn version. Pretty view of the trees and leaves in your backyard, too!

  3. I love your autumn block! It looks like folded ribbons. Our yard looks very similar, with leaves and sticks everywhere. Hope the hip is getting better every day.

  4. So glad you are recovering well from your hip surgery. Fingers crossed you can spend more time in the sewing room this week. Love the autumn fabrics in your block, you nailed the autumn vibe.

  5. Pretty Fall block! Our yard looks like yours, I wish all the leaves would hurry and fall so I could get them taken care of.

  6. Nice block! So glad you're healing, I know it must be frustrating at times. We've had 3 days of rain here too, and I was never so glad to see the sun as I was this morning! Take care, and have a good week!


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