
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Beginning a new mystery - Indigo Way

No sewing at all on Tuesday, but I did scan a bunch of old photos and a few documents. Over a year ago, one of my brothers-in-law brought me some big boxes of photos to be scanned.  And I've been procrastinating.  But now that I've dug into the boxes it has been interesting.

This picture was from 1957, and the little guy in front is my husband at the age of 3.  Big sister and big brother are with him out in the snow.  I'm going to try to spend at least a couple of hours each week to work on these.  The next box is all old photos belonging to their father during his WW2 service.  Once done I am hoping to make a flash drive for each of the 4 siblings with copies of the pictures.

I'm also hoping to get a little sewing time today after my morning PT session. 

Each year designer Bonnie Hunter releases a new mystery quilt project.  She shares each clue on Fridays through the holidays and into January as her "gift".  It's free, until the final layout is shared when she typically then will turn it into a pattern for purchase.  I don't always participate to make a whole quilt, but usually at least make a few blocks.  

This year her mystery is called Indigo Way, inspired by a trip to Viet Nam.  The colors will be indigo, red, light blue, and neutrals.  My stash contains plenty of those colors, so I'm playing along.  I may or may not make as many units or blocks as her directions.  But for now I'm kind of aiming for half as many blocks to make a smaller project, either lap sized or possibly a wall hanging.  Once the final layout is shared I'll decide whether or not to make it larger.

The first clue is half square triangles, made in sets of 4 matching.  So far I have only 3 sets of 4 matching ones made, but plan to make more.  The next clue will be released Friday, but since we'll have a house full of adults, grandkids, and dogs for the weekend there won't be any sewing until Monday most likely.  But it's not a race, so that is just fine!!!

You can find Indigo Way on Bonnie's blog . . .


  1. Scanning photos takes time, but it's definitely worth it. Sounds like you've got a good plan for managing the new BH mystery. I'm starting with just half too and go from there. I never manage to keep up, but I hope this year will be different.

  2. your old photos could have been my old photos LOL - all the snow the heavy jackets and scarfs and hats - I grew up in Wisconsin in the 50's-60's I can relate to that

  3. Yours is a delightful blog. Thank you. This morning was my first visit.
    I was cruisuung pintrest looking for a great idea for a cat to add to the reading pillow I am making for my granddaughter, and I saw your cats in the flowers quilt. I love it. I'm wondering if I could adapt that cat and add a posy for her pillow. Could you tell me where the pattern can be found?
    And imagine my surprise to learn that you were cruising in Alaska at the same time as I was. It was beautiful countryside, and I love life on board a ship. I did get off in Sitka, but that was my only time. Too bad I missed those fabric shops though.I was also thrilled to see that you have as many squirrels visiting you as I have.Sometimes I wonder about my sanity though, so many wips, and so many ideas just waiting to jump into action

  4. Great old photo, it takes some time to do such a big project. I still have photos to crop and label and then my siblings will get a flash drive:)

  5. Your pic of the kids in the snow looks like it could have been part of my family's collection from the same time period. About 20 yrs ago I scanned our family albums into my computer & burned cds for a couple of my siblings. Told them they were my off-site storage. Was a lot of fun when my brother posted them on facebook to commemorate special days.

  6. Scanning the photos does take time, but the family will thank you. It’s important to preserve the memories for future generations.


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