
Thursday, November 30, 2023

December goals

Hmmm . . . I had 4 goals for this week for my sewing room.  And it appears those weekly goals are being rolled over into December goals.  Appointments and work has certainly gotten in the way of any sewing this week.

  1. cut out and sew 3 football themed pillowcases for the 3 grandsons - Cut these out
  2. make 4 more Suitcase blocks - not touched
  3. work on more sets of Clue #1 units for Bonnie Hunter's new mystery 2 sets cut out
  4. hand stitch the binding on the last big finish of the year (grey & batik Saturday Sampler) not touched
Yesterday morning I had PT and going to pick up groceries on my way home, with the plan to spend the afternoon in my sewing room.  Well, no groceries were purchased.  I had a work email while at PT asking if I could do some updates on construction reports, so I headed home instead.  And then - I have a car tire with a slow leak needing fixing. 

Two more sets of HSTs have been cut out, but no sewing on these happened either.  

I think these will be the ONLY goals I'll set for December because it's such a busy month.  Any sewing I get done will be a bonus.  And now it's 8:30 and I must report to work - well really just my work tasks since I'm already at my desk.  It might take most of the morning to finish updating those construction reports.


  1. Hope you find a bit of time for yourself this busy month! :)

  2. Well darn on not enough sewing time. I do hope you find more time than you think you will have in December. I can hardly believe it is December already.

  3. Hopefully work won't dominate all your week's this month. But with all the holiday prep, there is certainly less time for stitching. Fingers crossed you can still find some time to play in the sewing room anyway.


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