
Friday, December 1, 2023

This n that

Work continued to interfere with fun again on Thursday morning, but by afternoon I had the construction reports updated - until next week.  At lunch time I finally put up the stockings on the fireplace mantle. 

It always looks so cheerful with the stockings there, but nothing will go into them until after this weekend since at least SOME of the grandkids will be here for a swim meet.  One daughter just tested positive for Covid yesterday, and the other is possibly picking up a new puppy today.  So there are lots of "IF" scenarios up in the air.  

Later in the afternoon I spent a little time in the sewing room.  One more Suitcase was created, using the Minnesota shop hop batik.  There is slightly more than a fat quarter left to be hoarded until some special idea pops into my head. 

I've decided to make 1/4 of the units for Indigo Way, and will decide after seeing the final reveal whether or not to make more.  It's fun playing along this way.  This morning's clue probably won't happen until Sunday.  


  1. I am saving the PDF's for Bonnie's quilt and will decide later if I will make it. I like that she does that so those of us that don't like a mystery can decide later. Hope no one else gets sick and that your daughter is well soon. The fireplace looks really pretty with the socks hanging.

  2. Your fireplace looks so festive! This weekend I should finish up decorating the trees. Good luck to all for the weekend.

  3. Your mantel looks very festive. Love the purple suitcase, it's such a fun color. Very wise to start small with Bonnie's mystery. I'm starting with half, but am already massively behind. Oh well, I'll enjoy anyway.

  4. Such a pretty fireplace scene! My clue 2 sewing will have to wait, too.

  5. Such a pretty scene in your living room! Your Minnesota suitcase is very pretty!


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