
Saturday, December 2, 2023

RSC23 Week #48

Possibly this is one final scrappy quilt top assembled for this year.  This one is the "baby" Churn Dash, and is 48 x 60, so a nice size for a baby or toddler. 

The blocks use cute prints that would be good in baby or little kid quilts - kitties, bunnies, frogs, etc.  And the churn dashes are all done with solid colors.  The plan originated with our guild to make some donation baby quilts.  I just kept making blocks because they were fun, and this is the result.  I even made 4 half-sized blocks and used them here too.

I've been taking stock of the various block sets hanging in my sewing room closet, to determine a plan for the end of this year and for next year. 

There are several other sets of RSC blocks hanging in my sewing room closet.  Some - like the Pyramids - probably have enough in the set to make a quilt now.  Others - like the Zipper and Dutchman's Puzzle just have a few made so far.  The small hearts are already partially assembled into a top, but need lots more to make it large enough.  For some I have a plan in mind, and for others - there isn't a plan yet.  But you all know I just love making lots of different blocks.  

In 2022 I made lots of these elephant blocks for RSC22, but they have just hung in the closet ever since.  I adore these blocks - so cute!!  But I just can't decide how I want to use them.  Sigh . . . something will come to mind eventually.  

And then there are also the scrappy Potato Chip blocks.  I think there are about 12 or 13 of these made so far.  They won't follow the monthly rainbow color, but will continue to use up the scraps. 

Of course, I'm being honest with myself and KNOW that there WILL be squirrels that cross my path and take me in totally new directions.  That is part of the fun for me!!

Check out what's happening this week in the RSC world . . .


  1. if you decide you don't think you will use some of your blocks Cynthia at "Quilting is More Fun than Housework" takes blocks that other quilters send her and puts them into quilts that she donates

  2. great work this year - lots of fun possibilities

  3. Fun to make the background fabrics the I spy part of the quilt.

  4. The churn dash quilt is really cute. You've got some really fun blocks in the works. I always struggle with how to set my RSC blocks, sometimes they just have to marinate a while before I come up with a plan. Good luck with your plans for December and 2024. Next year will be here before we are ready I'm sure. Happy stitching this weekend.

  5. Fun to see the different blocks you've been working on! I remember those elephants - I think I even saved the link to the pattern. They're tempting me, too! I'll enjoy seeing what you decide to work on next.

  6. I love your Churn Dash quilt - so colorful and clever! Of course, as always, the Zippers and elephants have my heart. You’ve got a lot of cute blocks and possibilities there!

  7. Your Churn Dash baby quilt is nice. You have made lots of other pretty blocks too, like you, I love the elephants.

  8. All your blocks are so nicely made and so colorful! I'm sure they'll all be wonderful quilts. Isn't it nice to have choices?

  9. wow such a colorful post and so many bright projects! great eye candy..

  10. I remember those elephant blocks! I loved them too. I'm sure they'll end up in a sweet quilt. In the meantime, the churn dash quilt is lovely. Some little one will love it!


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