
Monday, November 6, 2023

Design Wall Monday - November 6

 It was a busy and enjoyable weekend, and I think I need to rest up.  Not a single minute of sewing was fit into Saturday or Sunday.  

Guild was Saturday morning and we had 2 gentlemen speak to our group about the nation-wide Sleep In Heavenly Peace program.  They build beds for children, and have a motto that no child should sleep on the floor.  Our guild members were all shocked at just how big is the need for beds in our local community.  And they said they also like to have small stuffed animals to give to the younger kids.  And voila!!!  I will donate the box full of new stuffed animals and dolls, all wrapped in doll quilts I made. 

My husband and I went to a concert in the afternoon - Branson Country Christmas.  2 pm for a concert is just a weird time, but the music was wonderful.  The first hour was all country classics and the second hour was Christmas classics. The fiddle player and the female lead singer were both fabulous.  That early time turned out to be perfect because when the concert was over, we walked across the street to go to a college basketball game at the Corn Palace.  When we aren't at Jackrabbit basketball we do like to follow the smaller local college  (DWU) teams too.  

And after the basketball game we ended up at our favorite Chinese restaurant for supper.  Once we got home we watched the recording of the Jackrabbit football game from the afternoon. 

On Sunday morning I drove into Sioux Falls to present a Quilt of Valor.  This one just happened to be 5 minutes away from my daughter's house, so afterward I stopped in for a quick visit.  Got my grandkid hugs and doggie kisses - and watched the end of the Chiefs' football game with them.

OK - so back to my design wall for this week . . .

These 4 pine tree blocks need to be finished, and then added to their own little project. 

And I want to get this pillow top quilted this week too.  This is a busy week with a dental appointment, a follow-up appointment with the orthopedic surgeon, and a few other things going on. I'll be happy with whatever I manage to accomplish.

What's on your design wall?


  1. You had a busy weekend indeed! The concert sounds wonderful! How is your hip doing?

  2. that is a nice box of stuffed toys and little quilts.
    I drove past the corn palace once, I have no idea how many years ago that was

  3. That's a sweet collection of stuffed animals with their little quilts! Sounds like a great place to donate them. The concert sounds like fun, too! I love that bench pillow with the ornaments - so pretty. Have a great week!

  4. The organization is going to love receiving your donation of the stuffies wrapped in quilts. Finding a local need for donations is always a good thing.

  5. Cute critters with blankies...some kids are going to be so happy!

  6. Sounds like a great week - and Yay you for Hugging a Veteran <3

  7. Sounds like a very busy week. The stuffed animals with the quilts are really cute.

  8. Your little quilts and stuffed animals are adorable Sara! What a great way to use up orphan quilt blocks.


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