
Saturday, November 4, 2023

RSC23- Week #44

 It's suddenly that "finish up" time of the year.  2023 is going by WAY too fast for me.

Two table toppers just needed binding, and I finished them while riding in the car on Wednesday.  The top one was actually from this summer. Talk about procrastination!  The bigger one is for Christmas, so it's nice to have it done before the holiday season. 

Can you guess what these will be?  The parts for these blocks have been cut out, so it was time to finish these 4 blocks and get them off my cutting table.  The blocks are part of a UFO that didn't even make it on my November goal list because it was totally off my radar.  Now it's back on.  

Two backings were organized for quilts that are ready for the quilter.  One is totally scrappy, and the other is "organized" scrappy.   It's always good to get a quilt to this stage. They are probably the final bigger finishes of the year. 

I'll bet there are a lot more finishes going on in the RSC world . . .


  1. Those tree blocks look fun! Congrats on the finish and sending a few quilts off for quilting. You have been very productive this year.

  2. Nice table toppers! Are you making Christmas trees?

  3. It's fun to get started on the Christmas projects at this time of year! I love your tabletoppers - are they made like a hexagon log cabin, or cut with a special ruler to get that shape? I've never tried making anything like that.

  4. pretty table toppers,congrats on a 2 quilt finish!

  5. Looks like a tree to me:) Nice to have some finishes!

  6. Great table toppers and the Christmas one is especially lovely! Quilts ready to go to the quilter! Hooray! That’s always a great feeling, isn’t it?

  7. Well let's see..I think it's going to be a tree block! Nice that you had something to stitch to it's finish line while in the car.

  8. Nothing like the end of the year quickly approaching to end whatever procrastanation we have going on. The table toppers turned out nicely. Good luck with the rest of the projections on your to do list.


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