
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Being flexible

 Mother Nature put a small crimp in our Christmas plans.  After weeks of my whining about "brown winter" around here, we finally got our first actual measurable snowfall - on Christmas Day. On Saturday the girls suggested we could move up our Christmas gathering to Sunday to beat the winter storm moving our way.  I got out the overnight bag, and gathered up gifts and other things we planned to take in the morning.  

We woke up to rain that was quickly changing into freezing rain.  And they woke up to one of the kids running a temp and having a nasty cough.

The grandson is feeling much better, but it's probably good that we stayed home anyway.  We got several inches of wet snow on top of ice.  So - we're postponing until New Years. 

Christmas Eve afternoon I felt that need to sew something - anything with a holiday feel to it.  One of the fat quarters I picked up on my road trip this week had these cute Santas.  Digging into the stash I paired these up to make a cute little square table topper.  As of this morning it's partially quilted.

Christmas Day - while it snowed - I put all the gifts for the kids back under the tree, and we both curled up with some old movies and good books.  Mid afternoon my husband presented me with this big box.  Based on the pretty wrapping I still had no clues as to where he might have been shopping. 

Once we fought through the bubble wrap and tissue paper, I found this large kneeling angel and the 5 little angels.  Sometimes this man surprises me!  I have a lot of angels I've collected over the years, and every once in awhile he will find a special one - like this kneeling angel.  And then he explained to the ladies in the store that he wanted 5 small angels to go with it to represent each of the grandkids. 

Think I'll keep him!!


  1. Sorry you had to postpone your holiday with the family. Fingers crossed next weekend is better. What a cute angel. Your Guy did good. Stay safe and warm and stitch on.

  2. I was wondering if you got the snow as I watched the weather channel. So sorry it messed up your Christmas. How sweet of your hubby to get you that set of angels.

  3. how sweet of a gift is that all those nice angels. Sorry about the storm, I saw on the news all the snow out in the upper middle plains - my husband grew up in Nebraska so the storms always catch my eye if they are out there as we have been there a lot over the years. glad you didn't attempt to drive - it sounded like a lot of accidents. We had cold and heavy frost this morning.

  4. What a nice gift! Sorry the weather put a kink in your plans.

  5. What a lovely Christmas gift!


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