
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Playing with the scraps

 Yesterday morning was focused on scraps, scraps, and more scraps.  I have a very messy cutting table, full of discarded scraps that I've been too lazy to deal with, and it was definitely time to clean it up.  It's not completely organized yet, but I'm getting there.  More on the Before and After some other day.  While cleaning up that mess, I used quite a few of those discarded scraps to kit up a few blocks to add to the RSC projects going on.

The sewing of those blocks happened too.  I like to use the cheap thin paper plates for easy block organization.  I made 3 new Zipper blocks.  The red/grey parts still on the plate did not have enough contrast, so the grey Canadian flag pieces were replaced with a darker color.  I'll pair up the flag pieces with something else, so they won't go to waste.

More of the scraps ended up in 3 Windmill blocks.  

In addition to these I also sewed a QOV block and a Potato Chip block.  Next step - hopefully today - is to finish tidying up that cutting zone, and putting the remaining scraps into the appropriate bins by color or size.  Once that area is cleaned up I need to work on a couple of other messy areas in my sewing room.  It would be nice to begin a new year with a less cluttered creative space. 


  1. Looks like you got a bit of stitching done with the organization chores. Good luck with your organization plan this week. I'm slowly getting my sewing room back in order, but it won't be finished by the end of the year.

  2. Hope you make progress on the tidying up project!

  3. Love those blocks! Such a great way to use scraps. I really need to clean my studio as well. It never ends.... lol.
    The Quilted Mule


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