
Thursday, December 28, 2023

Year end cleanup

 This area is my cutting table.  My very messy cutting table.  Actually it's a kitchen cabinet section about 40" long with a butcher block top, and drawers below.  They were inexpensive purchases at Menards several years ago and work perfectly for cutting.  Except that there is just enough space to the right of the 24" cutting mat to allow leftovers to collect.  

I'll quickly admit the mess is because I would rather sew than clean.  It does overwhelm me after awhile, and then I finally deal with it.  This time I spent parts of 2 different mornings sorting and organizing that pile of fabric.  Most of it was strips or small chunks remaining as I cut parts for various projects - and just tossed them to the side instead of putting them back into the scrap bins. 

By noon on Wednesday that same messy space looked like this - neat and clean again.  The few larger pieces were folded and returned to the stash.  The small strips and pieces were sorted into the scrap bins by color or cut into sizes I use frequently.  

Next cluttered area to deal with is the stack on this chair.  This stack shouldn't take as long to put away or organize as the cutting table did. 


  1. I have similar stacks on both sides of my cutting mat that need to be cleared away. Thanks for the inspiration. Happy New Year!

  2. A cleared-off cutting table feels so good!

  3. Yeah for making progress on some sewing room clean up. I'd so much rather sew, but it does reach a point where cleaning is really necessary. It feels so much better to work in a clean and organized space.

  4. i thought i was the only one whose table looked like that....LOL...meaning the before photo....i've got mine almost cleaned


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