
Monday, December 11, 2023

Design Wall Monday - Dec 11

 Another week closer to the New Year - Yikes!!

We received the final set of instructions for the 2023 Saturday Sampler on Saturday morning.  It has been a fun mix of pieced and applique blocks.  The pattern is called Spooling Around.  The final "block" is a set of 8 spools.  Then some trimming of the applique blocks will make the center of the quilt ready to assemble.  Yay!  In February there will be a Show n Tell for any completed quilts or tops. First however, I need to make those 8 spool blocks. 

Two last pillowcases for grandsons are on my To Do list for this week.  These will go into their Christmas stockings - my tradition every year.  I was asked how many years I've been doing this, so I had to really think about it.  The oldest will be 13 in June.  I think I started making pillowcases for him when he was 2 and moved into a toddler bed instead of a crib.  I do know at first I often made seasonal themed ones for each kid - Halloween, summer, Christmas etc.  And those were given out "whenever".  Probably about 6 years ago I started putting them in their Christmas stockings each year.

Parts for more of the Indigo Way mystery Clue #3 are laying next to my sewing machine.  Some are sets of 4 matching blocks, and some are sets of 6 matching blocks - just as her instructions said.  When there are 4 of each it's easy to imagine them going into blocks, but the sets of 6 have added more mystery to the mix.  Part of the fun!!

See more design walls at;


  1. Your Saturday Sampler blocks are really fun, love the colors you've used. The pillow cases are a fun stocking stuffer idea. I don't have time for that this year, but as I do my fabric reorg, I'm going to keep that in mind so I have some for next year. You've done well the BH bits and pieces. It took me forever just to cut the parts for clue 3 and I'm only doing half! Happy stitching this week.

  2. Fun tradition of pillowcases for your GKs!!! And great job on keeping up with BH, as she is a whirlwind at this time of year!!!


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